Get Involved

Director of Entrepreneurship

Purpose: Create economic wealth in the African-American community by providing an educational platform to start and grow a business through dedicated programs, activities, and events.


The major responsibilities include:


  • Identify and implement methods of expanding the Chapter’s support of the Black business community.
  • Identify and select Black business award recipients.
  • Plan and organize yearly events: Entrepreneur Think Tank, the Whiteboard Challenge, and a November entrepreneur recognition event in honor of National Entrepreneur Month etc.
  • Create a consortium of entrepreneurs by hosting quarterly workshops, and networking and mentoring sessions.
  • Assist with securing corporate sponsorship for events.
  • Develop and maintain corporate relationships and provide end of the event or end of the year activity reports.

Director of Entrepreneurship

Purpose: Provide career search and career/professional development opportunities to the membership while assisting our corporate partners and small businesses in meeting their human relations and human resources development and diversity goals. 


The major responsibilities include:


  • Manage the Chapter’s job search service.
  • Work directly with the corporate partners/development committee to source members and non-members for desired positions.
  • Provide professional and career development programs and counseling and coordinate this activity with the program committee.


Act as the Chapter’s liaison between professional recruiting firms, corporations and candidates etc.

Director of Entrepreneurship

Purpose: Develop, maintain, and support a strong and participating membership (professional, associate, student, and lifetime). 


The major responsibilities include:


  • Plan and implement two membership drive.
  • Conduct formal and informal surveys to determine the Chapter’s success in meeting membership expectations.
  • Develop along with public relations a new member package and onboarding process that will assist participating new members in becoming active members quickly.
  • Develop and maintain a strong relationship with the National Association regarding membership matters.
  • Provide membership services at all Chapter events.
  • Maintain accurate monthly count of membership.
  • Recruit and retain new, renewing, and transfer members to the Chapter.
  • Prepare and distribute membership information packages.
  • Responsible for organizing quarterly new member orientation
  • Publish membership directory at least once a year.

Maintain the most current membership roster and provide any changes to the Vice President of Communications monthly to update the official mailing list

Director of Professional Development

Purpose: Plan and conduct the Chapter’s general business meetings and programs.                


The major responsibilities include:


  • Develop the Chapter’s professional development annual calendar with the assistance of the administration committee.
  • Coordinate all professional development programming for general membership meetings.
  • Partner with the Public Relations/Outreach committee to create and execute an outreach plan for each event.
  • Plan, develop, and present the program for the monthly meetings as well as other programs where deemed appropriate.
  • Arrange the date, time, location, logistics (catering, A/V) and program agenda.
  • Publish a calendar of monthly meeting topics for the year.
  • Send out invitation letters to panelists and moderator.
  • Develop program description and panelist questions with executive board.
  • Send out appreciation letters to all speakers and contributors monthly.

Director of Public Relations/Outreach

Purpose: Provide regular and timely information about the Chapter to the membership, media and community.


The major responsibilities include:   


  • Contact newspapers, magazines, and other relevant periodicals to advertise monthly meetings and other Chapter activities.
  • Write and submit press releases for major Chapter events.
  • Create and update marketing brochures, picture collages, and poster to be used for recruiting members and Corporate Partners.
  • Develop electronic communications for e-blasts and social media.
  • Develop and manage social media presence.
  • Create and provide content for Chapter website.
  • Notify the membership of the program topics through Email Blast and the Chapter newsletter.
  • Establish relationships with key media personnel to obtain media coverage at selected Chapter events.
  • Assist Vice President of Communications with Chapter newsletter as needed seeking opportunities to gain positive visibility for the Chapter.



Director of Scholarship

Purpose:  Plan and implement a first-class scholarship program.


Major responsibilities include:


  • Manage all program related activities.
  • Create electronic scholarship packet.
  • Implement one fundraising event for scholarship.
  • Market scholarship to local community organizations, schools etc.
  • Develop and implement with the assistance of the corporate and fund development committees a fund development strategy for the program.
  • Work with the VPF to assure proper distribution of program revenue.
  • Solicit and identify scholarship applicants from high schools, colleges, and universities.
  • Update and distribute scholarship applications.

Coordinate the scholarship selection process and awards reception.

Director of Student Affairs

Purpose: Develop and maintain strong relationships with area secondary schools and universities including their student organizations, administration, and faculty.


Major responsibilities include:


  • Manage all student related activities.
  • Promote student throughout the region.
  • Coordinate the Chapter’s university recruitment and mentorship program.
  • Ensure student support and attendance at major Chapter events.
  • Maintain communications with local graduate business schools and recruit student members.
  • Sponsor activities that address the needs of the student members.

Director of Funds Development

Purpose: Raise necessary chapter operating funds to meet current and future chapter expense requirements.     


The major responsibilities include:


  • Plan and implement at least two major fund-raising activities.
  • Assist the VPF in meeting fund development goals.
  • Write and submit grant proposals for funding of Chapter programs and events.
  • Work cohesively with corporate partner teams

Director of Leaders of Tomorrow (LOT)

Purpose: Provide mentors and resources to high schools in the community-at-large, promote the education of minorities provide information on the availability of scholarship opportunities provide yearlong leadership opportunities through workshops and community services activities, and provide students with leadership potential needed for exposure and motivation in order to make good choices about college, career, and their future.


Major responsibilities include to:


  • Coordinating fundraiser activity for LOT with Corporate Partners and Fund Development Committees.
  • Provide LOT and NBMBAA undergraduate scholarship information to the high school seniors
  • Coordinate and execute travel plans attend NBMBAA National Business Case Competition and Success Boot Camp. It is a requirement to chaperone students to the events.
  • Coordinate mandatory meetings with students and parents prior to attending the NBMBAA National Business Case Competition and Success Boot Camp.
  • Recruit and retain students, mentors and corporate partners for the LOT program.
  • Track attendance at monthly LOT meetings and special events.
  • Maintain the most current LOT student and mentoring participant roster.

Develop inter-organizational relations with other student mentoring programs and coordinate a variety of activities, workshops, and events for LOT students that emphasize growth in the following areas: Leadership – Academics – Professional Development of Community Service – Cultural Activities Securing Internships & Scholarship

Director of Corporate Partners

Purpose: Maintain strong relationships with members of the corporate community to ensure corporate awareness of the Chapter’s activities; Develop a strategic plan for corporate partners, solicit monetary funding, event underwriting, and in-kind services to support Chapter activities.


The major responsibilities include:


  • Recommend method by which the Chapter can acknowledge the support given by long-term partners.
  • Maintain an updated database on all current and potential corporate partners including key contacts and identify Chapter members who will serve as the lead/principle contact with each corporate partner.
  • Connect with diverse membership base to provide a talent pipeline for corporations, entrepreneurs and community.
  • Present branding opportunities through award winning and compelling programming, monthly connection forums, and professional networking functions.
  • Provide platform for new career and recruitment opportunities with our members-only career listings board and Corporate reception
  • Provide an accurate and timely list of corporate partners to committees when requested
  • Submit in writing a proposed listing of the Chapter’s protected list of Corporate Partners for approval by the President and Vice President of Finance by November of each year.
  • Solicit monetary funding, underwriting, and in-kind services to support programs and events.
  • Recruit corporate partners to support events.
  • Maintain strong relationships with members of the corporate community to ensure corporate awareness of the Chapter’s activities.
  • Develop a Strategic Plan for Corporate Partners by Leadership Retreat in November as input for the budget process. (continued on back)
  • Sponsor at least one major recruitment event each year.
  • Maintain an updated database of key contact people for current and potential.

Corporate Partners; submit list to Vice President of Communications to include on mailing list.


The National Black MBA Association leads in the creation of educational opportunities and economic growth for African Americans.


PO Box 5296

St. Louis, MO 63115-0296


© 2021 National Black MBA Association, Inc Metro St. Louis.